La Médecine des Animaux (in French only)
An exceptional box set
For the first time, Indigenous hereditary chief T8aminik Rankin reveals the oral teachings that have been passed down through generations regarding the Medicine of Animals.
Contents of the Box Set
Accompanied by his grandson Noten, Grandfather T8aminik takes you on an initiatory journey to meet the spirits of the forest.
This box set contains 44 beautifully illustrated cards, a 280-page accompanying booklet that reads like a story, and a beautifully adorned cotton bag to protect your cards.
Medicine Card Set
Co-authored by Dominique Rankin, Marie-Josée Tardif, and Marie Caiazzo, this work is beautifully illustrated by Amélie Clavier and published by Éditions Vega.
On Amazon
Listen to Comis’ voice
pronouncing different Anicinapek words from the booklet:
Pages 35 à 39 du livret
- Anicinape (Etre humain)
- Comis (Grand-père)
- Noten (Vent du nord)
- 8acocik *
Pages 39 à 53 du livret
- Matcite8eia (Pointe du lac)
- Kitci T8ami *
- Apikocic (Souris)
- Omakaki (Grenouille)
Pages 55 à 68 du livret
- Pico (Lynx)
- Maikan (Loup)
- Kokokoho (Hibou)
- Atcitamo (Écureuil)
Pages 71 à 82 du livret
- Mackiki (Médecine)
- Mami8ini *
- Mak8a (Ours)
- Pine (Perdrix)
Pages 85 à 102 du livret
- Ciekacic (Libellule)
- Amik (Castor)
- Cicip (Canard)
- 8a8ack8eci (Cerf)
- Cikak (Putois)
Pages 105 à 115 du livret
- Mikinak (Tortue)
- Mikisi (Aigle)
- Sakapon (Bébé castor)
- Kokom (Grand-mère)
- Nika (Bernache)
Pages 117 à 137 du livret
- Pakopakesi (Araignée)
- Macamekos (Saumon)
- Otcik (Pekan)
- Papakonacic (Chauve-souris)
- Paskecisa8an*
Pages 138 à 140 du livret
- Sasopok8ecikan (Pain frit)
- Sik8an (Pré-printemps)
- Tak8akan (Été indien)
Pages 147 à 171 du livret
- Tecipitakan (Plateforme)
- 8apanok (Est)
- Nikapionok (Sud)
- Ca8anok (Ouest)
- Ki8etnok (Nord)
Pages 173 à 192 du livret
- Kakaki (Corbeau)
- Kakaco (Carcajou ou Glouton)
- Kak (Porc-épic)
- Memeko (Papillon)
- Papase (Pic-bois)
Pages 195 à 218 du livret
- Sikosi (Hermine)
- 8apos (Lièvre)
- Nikik (Loutre)
- 8akoc (Renard)
- Mococ (Orignal)
Pages 225 à 254 du livret
- 8apakanesi (Harfang des neiges)
- K8ek8eci (Geai bleu)
- Nipicapo (Thé)
- Animoc (Chien)
- Poci (Chat)
Pages 257 à 270 du livret
- Kinepik (Serpent ou Couleuvre)
- Asepan (Raton-laveur)
- Piciki (Bison)
- Mik8etc (Merci)
- Kisakiin (Je t’aime)
* These words are proper nouns or concepts that are too difficult to translate directly. Please refer to the explanations provided in the booklet.
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