A long and patient transmission

Dedication to tradition

In our tradition, it is not the students who choose their teachers, but rather the opposite. It is in this spirit that about fifteen individuals have been placed under the wing of Grandfather T8aminik in recent years. Elder T8aminik is a fervent ambassador of Indigenous cultures and a rigorous protector of ancestral knowledge, which explains the extensive training imposed on his apprentices. Grandfather T8aminik also supervises a team of firekeepers, ensuring they fulfill their role with utmost respect for traditions, whether during major ceremonies or when a healing activity requires the presence of a sacred fire.

Les Enseignements Kisis

The meeting between Grandfather T8aminik and Marie-Josée Tardif proved to be extremely fruitful. Marie-Josée is one of his students on the Red Path but has also become his life partner. Their combined strengths have generated a whole array of organizations, activities, and tools for sharing Indigenous cultures at various levels.

In addition to co-founding the Kina8at organization and the Dominique Rankin Foundation, Grandfather T8aminik and Marie-Josée have given birth to Les Enseignements Kisis. Under the auspices of Les Enseignements Kisis, they offer workshops, talks, online courses, and various publications. At the heart of their mission is the joy of sharing and personal development, through teachings of great authenticity and undeniable relevance in today’s turbulent world.

Grandfather T8aminik’s students

Who are Grandfather T8aminik’s students?

The practitioners under Grandfather’s guidance are all pipe carriers, symbolizing their lifelong commitment to the Red Path. Most come from the First Nations of Quebec and Ontario, but some are also non-Indigenous, as ethnic background was not a barrier when the elders chose them for this role.

They possess life experiences and unique talents that caught the attention of the elders. Each offers a “medicine” that is uniquely theirs, fully expressed through the strength bestowed by ancestral transmission.

Les porteurs de calumet sous l’aile de Grand-père T8aminik Rankin :

  • Arlene Closter
  • Marie-Josée Tardif
  • Minda Forcier
  • Stéphane Romain
  • Bruno Clavier
  • Jocelyne Laroche
  • Nathalie Lessard
  • Serge Aubin
  • Brian Jackson
  • Carole Flamand
  • Lise Coocoo-Dubé
  • Marie-Pier Lapalme
  • Stéphanie Bean
  • Dorothée Chrétien-Boivin
  • Mélanie Foisy
  • Annie Goulet
  • Nadia Girard

Firekeepers engaged with Grandfather T8aminik

Who are the firekeepers engaged with Grandfather T8aminik?

The team of firekeepers is concentrated in Quebec as well as across Europe, since in addition to his commitments in Canada, Grandfather regularly travels to France, Switzerland, Belgium, and Italy.

Many of them have had the privilege of being trained not only by Grandfather T8aminik but also by Anicinape firekeeper Peter DeConti, who distinguished himself alongside Grandfather William Commanda for decades.

  • Djelloul Meziani
  • Gilles Ouimet
  • Maurice Couture
  • Philippe Tousignant
  • Sylvain Carufel
  • Yannick Coulibeuf
  • Vincent Robichaud
  • Ghislain Mandon
  • Jean-Michel Clobert
  • Yvan Delphin
  • Patrick Torrent
  • Eric Fritz
  • Charles Sauvage
  • David Daries
  • Franck Fenocchio
  • Pascal Sottas
  • Frédéric Gillien
  • Ronan Cognet

Please note that this list is partial, as other individuals assist Grandfather T8aminik in these tasks but in a more sporadic and unofficial manner.